Promoting the wise use and conservation of natural and community resources through education and collaborative partnerships, supporting the environmental and economic well-being of South Jersey.


Promoting the wise use and conservation of natural and community resources through education and collaborative partnerships, supporting the environmental and economic well-being of South Jersey.
Current Projects

Team Habitat: Lakewood Twp. Stormwater Basin Retrofit
Summer 2021
The SJRCD is excited to announce our partnership with Ocean County Soil Conservation District, Lakewood Township Department of Public Works, and the Camden County Soil Conservation District on an awarded grant called the Lakewood Township Stormwater Basin Retrofit Project. The grant is funded by a Federal 319(h) Water Quality Restoration grant awarded by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection to the SJRC&D. Click on the link below to read more about this exciting project.
Manalapan Brook Watershed Project at Thompson Park Zoo
Summer 2021
The SJRCD is pleased to announce our partnership with Freehold Soil Conservation District, Middlesex County, Princeton Hydro and other entities on a grant for the development of and implementation of a water quality project in the Manalapan Brook Watershed. The project is funded by a Water Quality Restoration 319(h) grant awarded to SJRC&D by the NJDEP. As part of this project, was the development and implementation of a Stormwater Management Treatment Train at Thompson Park Zoo in Middlesex County. Click on the link below to read more about this exciting project.