Promoting the wise use and conservation of natural and community resources through education and collaborative partnerships, supporting the environmental and economic well-being of South Jersey.


Promoting the wise use and conservation of natural and community resources through education and collaborative partnerships, supporting the environmental and economic well-being of South Jersey.
Stormwater Basin and Open Space Parcel Enhancement
A Program of SJRCD's Team Habitat

In 2014, the SJRCD expanded its Team Habitat Program to include stormwater basin enhancements.
Today, many municipalities are charged with the maintenance of stormwater basins that were constructed to reduce the impacts of stormwater runoff caused by development. Many times this maintenance includes regular mowing of grasses on the bottom and side slopes of the basin which can result in a significant annual cost to the municipality when considering labor, equipment, and fuel. Utilizing the knowledge and experience of our Team Habitat partners, the South Jersey Resource Conservation and Development Council can assist your municipality with the conversion of these basins from high maintenance turf grass to low maintenance native warm season grasses and wildflowers. Once completed, this changeover could result in the savings of thousands of dollars per year, per basin, while providing the added benefit of developing a local habitat for wildlife.