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South Jersey Tour des Farms - Past Participating Route Farms

Johnson's Locust Hall Farm

2691 Monmouth Rd.

Jobstown, NJ


Pick-your-own fruits and vegetables, hayrides, family-fun activities and a Harvest Market featuring fresh-baked pies and cider donuts. 

Budd's Bogs


Large cranberry farm featuring free snacks and drinks during the ride.


Budd's KnP Farms and Country Markets

131-132 Vincentown Road

Pemberton, NJ 08068


Country store selling fruits and vegetables in addition to honey, ice cream, drinks, sandwiches, seafood, and bakes goods.


Lone Wolf Farm

184 North Pemberton Road

Pemberton, NJ  08048


Farm stand selling a variety of produce and ornamental plants.

Mr. McGregor's Market

2816 Monmouth Road

Jobstown, NJ  


Farm market selling farm grown produce and baked goods.

Raymond Hlubik Farm

92 Georgetown-Chesterfield Road

County Route 677

Chesterfield, NJ 08515


Farm stand selling farm grown vegetables, and syrups, jellies, honey, and salsa in addition to pies. 

Greenfield Farm
(Kumpel Farm Stand)

136 Pemberton Road

Southampton, NJ 08088


Farm stand selling fruits, vegetables, pumpkins and mums.


Strawberry Hill Farm

3 Waln Road

Chesterfield, NJ 08515


Pick-your-own orchard farm selling apples, peaches, plums, pears, and nectarines.  

Honey Brook Organic Farm

258 Crosswicks-Ellisdale Rd.

Chesterfield, NJ 08515


Certified organic CSA program in the Garden State. Farm market sells fruit and vegetables. Also has pick your own.

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