Promoting the wise use and conservation of natural and community resources through education and collaborative partnerships, supporting the environmental and economic well-being of South Jersey.


Promoting the wise use and conservation of natural and community resources through education and collaborative partnerships, supporting the environmental and economic well-being of South Jersey.
Meet the Chair: Christine Raabe
BS Environmental Science, Cook College of Agriculture and Environmental
Science, Rutgers University,
K-12 Science Teaching Certification Graduate Studies in Environmental Education
Glassboro College (Rowan University)
Certified Public Manager Certification – Rutgers University, School of Public Affairs and Administration
District Director, Ocean County Soil Conservation District, 2012 - Present
Education Coordinator, Ocean County Soil Conservation District, 2004 - 2012
Secretary and Founding Member, Natural Resources Education Foundation of NJ, Inc. (NREF) ( ) The Lighthouse Center is situated on 194 acres and contains a variety of habitats affording visitors rich and interesting opportunities to learn about the conservation efforts, history and culture of the area. It is owned by the NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife and leased and managed by the NREF.
Advisory and Science and Technical Advisory Committees, Barnegat Bay Partnership, one of 28 National Estuary Programs administered by the USEPA ( )